Sunday, December 8, 2013

December Update

Howdy Y'all,

We have been checking out some of the local resorts, and I use that term loosely, in the Beaver Lake area. We feel as of now that idea is out. We have however received information for Big Cedar Lodge in Branson. Granted it isn't in Arkansas but it is a very nice option. If the family prefers we will stay here in North West Arkansas. There are many very nice hotels in the Bentonville/Rogers area that can accommodate our group very nicely such as the Hilton, Hampton, Embassy, and Hyatt to name a few. This year has gone by very quickly so it is time to get things rolling. We will post some dates to a poll soon and get that nailed down. Some places have already stated they are booked into 2015.

Keep an eye on your email in the near future for further polls and updates.


Monday, August 26, 2013

We haven't forgotten y'all :)

Howdy everyone,

Just thought I would put up a quick post to let everyone know Grace, Donella, and I haven't forgotten you all. It has been a busy last month for everyone and the hope is it will calm down enough so we can start the scouting process. We plan to visit a few resorts in the area that have cabins, horseback riding, floating, and plenty of the great outdoors to see if any would be a good place for the family reunion. We also will be scouting hotels around the Bentonville/Rogers area.

Don't forget to vote if you haven't done so on our poll at the bottom of the home page. So far we have 8 yes's and 0 no's to posting the Book of Carnahan online. Only 5 days left so get your vote in soon.

Love y'all.

Jason aka Hillbilly J

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Shout Out

A big Thanks to Uncle Bob, Aunt Betty and cousins, David & Virginia, Beth and Jim and Mike and Judy for a great reunion in 2013.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Welcome to the Reunion Blog

Hey Y’all!!!
I know we just finished up with Carnahan’s by the sea but I figured there is no better time to get things rolling then the present while everyone is still pumped about the Carnahan Hillbilly Revival in 2016.
We are looking forward to having everyone swarm on the Natural State of Arkansas for some southern hospitality. Late June to early July is a beautiful time of year to visit. Everything is green, it’s not too hot (Below 90), and the rivers have high water for some good ol’ fashioned floatin’.
I am hoping we all will utilize this blog for communication, polls, and other what not’s. I will post pictures of the area from time to time along with ideas for the reunion. So polish up those shotguns, restring them banjo’s, and tune up the trucks, cause three years goes by pretty quick in these parts.
Y’all come back often now, ya here!!!
Jason, Donella, & Anna Grace