Monday, August 26, 2013

We haven't forgotten y'all :)

Howdy everyone,

Just thought I would put up a quick post to let everyone know Grace, Donella, and I haven't forgotten you all. It has been a busy last month for everyone and the hope is it will calm down enough so we can start the scouting process. We plan to visit a few resorts in the area that have cabins, horseback riding, floating, and plenty of the great outdoors to see if any would be a good place for the family reunion. We also will be scouting hotels around the Bentonville/Rogers area.

Don't forget to vote if you haven't done so on our poll at the bottom of the home page. So far we have 8 yes's and 0 no's to posting the Book of Carnahan online. Only 5 days left so get your vote in soon.

Love y'all.

Jason aka Hillbilly J